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in the 21st century


about me.

Hi, I'm Brynn.

I guess the most basic information I can give you is that I'm a junior at the University of Michigan studying Communications and Marketing, and minoring in Writing. When I think about it though, none of that's really relevant here, aside from the fact that I'm in school. All you really need to know is that I'm just like anyone else my age trying to navigate the confusing world of dating in college, which definitely has not gone as expected. While I could probably write a novel at this point about my experiences, I'll just tell you this; my most recent serious relationship was senior year of high school...and that hasn't been entirely by choice. Through what has essentially become a process of trial and error -emphasis on the error - I've learned a lot of things about how relationships tend to operate (or not operate, really), and I have a few thoughts. Rather than going on about the nature of my page, I'll just let you discover the details on your own. Feel free to comment on any of my posts or message me directly if you have any thoughts or comments; I designed this page to reflect conversations I've had with my friends, and would love to

hear from you, too. 


how we got here.

Sometimes there’s another reason that people take so long to text you back: They aren’t playing mind games or busy. They’re just GOOGLING THE FUCK OUT OF YOU.

-Aziz Ansari, Modern Romance


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